Recently, the second main area of application for OPTIPA control systems has been in dryers of kaolin, bentonite or other mineral substances and dryers of powdered food products. These dryers (sometimes referred to as kilns) can be either belt (most commonly three-belt) or rotary (also referred to as cylindrical).

The key functions of the OPTIPA control system are the measurement and control of the output moisture of the dried material and the optimization of the dryer operation.


Our systems provide:


visualization, measurement and control of the output moisture of the dried material


visualization and control of other process variables


optimisation of the dryer operation


advanced control functions - e.g. moisture optimization, optimization of specific gas consumption, maximization of productivity

Measured materials






ceramic granulates


milk powder products


more - consult with us

Using our systems, you can:


significantly reduce energy consumption (e.g. gas) by reducing specific gas consumption by up to 25%


increase dryer output by up to tens of percent


to contribute to improving the quality of products by stabilising and optimising their moisture content


make operators' work more efficient thanks to automatic dryer control


increase employee awareness of production parameters using information system functions


Based on these benefits, it can be concluded that the typical return on investment in the OPTIPA system is up to 3 years.